
推廣 熱搜:


   日期:2023-10-20     作者:螺耐斯    瀏覽:49    評論:0    
核心提示:1分鐘前 莫諾定子詢價咨詢「螺耐斯」[螺耐斯10e361c]內容:管柱脫落是自由式管柱結構經常發生的一種現象,這是由于正常運轉時轉子旋轉對定子產生的摩擦扭矩方向實際上是定子及油管的連接螺紋的卸扣方向,
1分鐘前 莫諾定子詢價咨詢「螺耐斯」[螺耐斯10e361c]內容:管柱脫落是自由式管柱結構經常發生的一種現象,這是由于正常運轉時轉子旋轉對定子產生的摩擦扭矩方向實際上是定子及油管的連接螺紋的卸扣方向,如果摩擦力矩大于油管扣的上扣扭矩,油管就脫扣。當尾管很重時,還會出現螺紋擄扣。當管柱脫落時,通過作業重新連接好就能恢復生產。如果未發生螺紋擄扣,可以采取對扣方式打撈,如果發生擄扣,必須下打撈工具進行打撈。Column shedding is a common phenomenon of free tube structure, which is due to the direction of rotation of the friction torque generated by the stator rotor during normal operation is actually a stator and tubing connection1 screw shackle direction, if the friction torque is greater than the pipe le on torque, oil pipe tripping. When the tail pipe is very heavy, there will also be a thread caption. When the pipe column falls off, the production can be restored by reconnecting the work. If the le is not threaded, it can be salvaged by the way of the le. If the le occurs, the fishing tool must be salvaged.

管柱脫落的故障現象是:運行電流很低,基本上是電機的空載電流,除了有一股一股的氣外,井口基本上無產液,正發循環時油套連通。The failure phenomenon of the string is: the running current is very low, basically the motor's no load current. Besides the gas with a single strand of gas, the wellhead basically has no liquid production, and the oil sleeve is connected when circulating.減少管柱脫落的措施有:將油管上扣扭矩由原來的值提高到值;采用油管螺紋墊片;定子上的裝卸短節采用防松螺紋連接;采用油管錨或張力封隔器固定螺桿泵。The measures to reduce the falling off of the pipe string are as follows: increase the torque from the original value to the maximum value; use the oil pipe screw gasket; the loading and unloading joint on the stator is connected by loosening screw thread; and use the oil pipe anchor or tension packer to fix the screw pump.

E、抽油桿扶正器E, sucker rod centralizer抽油桿扶正器由心軸和扶正筒組成,它接在兩根抽油桿之間,被卡在兩個抽油桿接箍之間。心軸也就是一要極短的抽油桿短節。扶正筒是一個內孔比心軸大1MM左右的空心塑料筒,外部有四個略比油管內徑小的扶正翼,采取澆注成型。扶正筒可以圍繞心軸轉動,防止抽油桿旋轉時與內壁接觸而磨蝕油管,又可以讓流體通過。The sucker rod centralizer is comed of the heart shaft and the upright cylinder, which is connected between the two sucker rods and is stuck between the two sucker rod hoops. The axis of the heart is also an extremely short rod short section. The centering cylinder is a hollow plastic tube inner hole Bixin shaft around 1MM, external four slightly smaller than the diameter of the tubing centralizer wing, adopt casting. The centralizer can revolve around the axis to prevent the sucker rod from touching the inner wall when it rotates, and it can also let the fluid pass through.


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