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東莞金屬釉膜晶圓電阻0204信賴推薦 盛雷城分壓排阻廠家三打白骨精概括

   日期:2024-01-22     作者:雷城電阻    瀏覽:32    評論:0    
核心提示:8分鐘前 東莞金屬釉膜晶圓電阻0204信賴推薦 盛雷城分壓排阻廠家[雷城電阻7d61f03]內容:盛雷城精密電阻有限公司聯合臺灣機器制造一起研制的新型高速大功率電阻器立式成型機已經可以穩定在每分鐘18
8分鐘前 東莞金屬釉膜晶圓電阻0204信賴推薦 盛雷城分壓排阻廠家[雷城電阻7d61f03]內容:

盛雷城精密電阻有限公司聯合臺灣機器制造一起研制的新型高速大功率電阻器立式成型機已經可以穩定在每分鐘180只左右 速度,連續運轉。




THUNDER PRECISION RESISTORS,in the fierce market competition, relying on high quality products, timely service, to win the trust of our customers and the market is expanding.The company depending on the quality of the product,Establish quality assurance system for production and sale and service, Our company has passed ISO9001.TUV certification,Professional development and production of various types of precision resistors and according to customer requirements of different parameters, different areas, different installation methods to meet the requirements of various types of high precision ducts sale throughout China and exported to the international market.


Thunder Precision Resistors strictlyaccording to the ISO9001:2015 Qulity Mangement System, which manufacture all kinds of high precision resistors with full variety, high precision and good performance,besides high precision matel film resistor, we also have matel film MELF resistors,mold type metal film resistors, high frequency and pulse loading thick film power resistors,current sensor resistors, high precision wirewound resistors,Ultra high working voltage,ultra high ohm value metal glaze film resistors, ultra stability,ultra high precision mould type resistors.


High stability,high reliability,ultra high precision,lower TCR.these are all the characteristics of the mold type resistors which manufactured by Thunder Precision Resistors, also called black resistors, EE resistors.Thunder Precision Resistors adopted advanced production process and material from European and American. We provide high requirements EE series of mold type resistors which also named black resistors with high stability and reliability and very lower TCR. for high precision instruments and precision electronic balance weighing apparatus and other production enterprises.

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